I love influencers!!!!!

(I have scattered screenshots of my favorite influencer's feeds throughout this post. Under each picture, I included a link in case you wanna check them out!)

     Every so often, someone makes an aggressive tweet about how they would never follow an influencer because they think all influencers are human shit smears and the people who follow them are braindead proles, and it goes kind of viral. I personally find this exhausting. Like even if you hate influencers, you don't have to be a little bitch about it. I don't like the Fast and Furious movies, but I'm not constantly making bitchy tweets about how Vin Diesel contributes nothing to society (and if I did, that would be fucked up. I know it's not true. I've seen 'The Pacifier'). 

(aww.sam's feed)

      I disagree with these tweets wholeheartedly, first of all, because they are rude, but secondly, because I love influencers so much!!! Yes, it's true, I am braindead prole who joyfully follows influencers. I've been reading other people's blogs for over ten years now, and I love how that community has blossomed into influencer Instagrams. The curated feeds, the cute clothes, the craft ideas....I think they're great. They inspire me creatively and give me new ideas for my decor and fashion.

     I love the windows these accounts offer into the ways creative people live their lives. After all, isn't that what Instagram is? A window into other people's lives? I love learning more about my friends through seeing little snapshots of their days. Again, I think it's inspiring! I can't stress enough how many times I have bought clothing or books because someone recommended them on Instagram, or gone to a resturaunt someone posted about. I've even found events or new museums around DC through people's stories. It's a very cool way to get more out of your home and to connect with other people doing the same thing. 

    Following influencers is just another way to be inspired. As much as I am influenced by my pals, I am also influenced by these creators I like. Their accounts give me great ideas for travel and crafts I want to do, or into new fashion and design trends. They're a way to get more art and design in my life and keep up with creative people I care about.

(the homesteady's feed -- a must follow)

      If you don't enjoy influencers on the level I do, that's fine. But I feel there is a certain level of disrespect a lot of people have for them. There's sort of this messaging that influencers are tarty little idiots who get paid to do nothing. I find this kind of fucked up. Influencers are creators making a living online, and they create a lot of beautiful things. Photography, crafting and curating a pretty feed, building sets and scouting locations for photos, and writing are all different forms art can take, im my opinion.

(joyfullygreen's feed)

      Beyond that, running an online business is no joke. I feel like people think that being an influencer is lazy, but it's a lot of work to create creative content. Even just running my blog takes work and energy and time and creativity, and I'm barely even doing anything for it (lol). When people complain about influencers, it sounds same to me as when folks rag on the Kardashians. Like, do you actually think the Kardashians are 'famous for nothing'? Monetizing your life and art in this very specific way is a lot of work and I don't think it should be minimized. 

(elsielarson's feed)

     I guess the ultimate thing that bugs me is that influencer hate feels a little bit sexist. A lot of the people who hate on influencers are mad that hot women are making money online, and other women are their fan base. What I have to say about that is: stay mad! Sorry women are trying to enjoy something! Sorry other women are leveraging their platform to make money under capitalism! God forbid we try and bring some joy to our existence! Or try to enjoy an activity that does not exclusively hinge on the approval of men! Like, come on, dude. It's okay for something to not be for or about straight men. That doesn't make it inherently vapid, or stupid, or lame. It just means it is not for you. 

(emilyretro's feed)

     Anyway, don't hate the player. Or the game. Try following influencers and see if you like it, or don't! But maybe stop getting so fired up about hating them. The option to calm down is available to us all, for free. 


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